Cloud Solutions

Perhaps more than any other IT innovation over the past 20 years, Cloud-enablement has had the deepest and most profound impact to every aspect of the modern corporation. A relentless driver for operational efficiency, speed-to-market, customer-first opportunities, Cloud infrastructure has the potential to deliver more value and enable more opportunities like few other technologies have.

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Cloud Native Application Development

Adapting a cloud-first strategy is not just about moving the hosting of your applications and/or data on a public or private cloud infrastructure.

Cloud has enabled a host of tools for development, collaboration, deployment, management and monitoring that can radically improve the capabilities of your development team to deliver solutions faster, at lower cost, with greater agility, scalability and resilience. We have over a 15 years of experience delivering solutions with Agile principles and we are one of the early adopters of cloud-development tools and strategies. Contact us to find out how we can help you shape your culture, toolset and delivery priorities to align with and make the most of these exciting opportunities


Migration to Cloud

More and more companies view the opportunities offered by Cloud technologies to improve operational costs and increase speed to market for new products and services. But the cloud is not only for “new” projects and solutions.

A great deal of a company’s existing infrastructure can be migrated to a cloud, public or private, with the company realising significant benefits. But there is a strategy to be developed and many variables to be considered.

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